Список литературы
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13. Eck C.J. Assessing the efficacy of isotopic provenancing of human remains in Colombia / C.J. Eck, E.A. DiGangi, J.D. Bethard // Forensic Science International. 2019. Vol. 302. Art. 109919. P. 1–9.
14. Dong X. Stable isotope ratio analysis for the authentication of sea urchin (Mesocentrotus nudus) from diff erent culture areas in the North Yellow Sea, China / X. Dong, C. Han, L. Li // Aquaculture. 2022. Vol. 561. Art. 738637. P. 1–8.
15. Cucina A. Strontium and stable oxygen isotope analysis in the Classic and Postclassic northern Maya lowlands of the Yucatan Peninsula: An analysis of social and sex-related reasons for population movement / A. Cucina, A. Ortega-Muñoz // Journal of Archaeo
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17. Chen H.-L. Using molecular phylogenetic and stable isotopic analysis to identify species, geographical origin and production method of mullet roes / H.-L. Chen, N.-N. Chang, W.V. Hsiao [et al.] // Food Control. 2022. Vol. 141. Art. 109206. P. 1–9.
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